Transparency report 2022

Annual– and Transparency Report 2022

TONO is a cooperative society, owned and controlled by composers, lyricists and music publishers, which, on their behalf, manages the financial rights to the music they have created and own. TONO licenses the public performance of copyrighted music on the radio, TV and internet, at concerts and the cinema, etc. Users pay a sum of money for each piece of music performed in public, which TONO collects on behalf of the rights holders. Each year, TONO distributes its financial surplus to the music rights holders concerned.

As at 31 December 2022, TONO had 39,060 members and also manages the rights, in Norwegian territory, of millions of creators and music publishers belonging to TONO’s sister companies in countries across the globe.

The EU’s Collective Rights Management Directive (2014/26/EU) was adopted in 2014 and implemented in Norwegian law through the Collective Rights Management Act of 2021 (Lov om kollektiv forvaltning av opphavsrett mv. av 28. mai 2021 nr. 49). Under the Act, TONO is required to produce an annual transparency report. It is TONO’s understanding that the information included in this report complies with the requirements regarding transparency reports set out in the statutory regulations relating to the Collective Rights Management Act.

TONO would like its annual transparency report to provide a deeper insight into and a greater understanding of TONO’s nature, operations, finances and management among our members, sister companies, customers, other members of the music industry and other interested parties.