TONO FAQ for customers

We already pay the performing artist, why do we have to pay TONO as well?


The artist’s fee does not cover the consideration payable to the songwriters, who subsequently receive their rightful due from TONO. The performer and songwriter have two separate roles, two different occupations. With regard to concerts, the performer is paid to perform, while TONO is paid because the organiser makes use of music rights managed by […]

Who pays the TONO charge?

The person or entity responsible for the musical performance must obtain TONO’s permission in advance and pay the appropriate consideration. This applies to the performance of both Norwegian and non-Norwegian music, irrespective of whether the music is performed live or recorded. The person, company or organisation that makes the music available for public consumption is […]

What are recording rights?

By “recording rights”, we mean ownership of a specific recording of a work. Sometimes, the terms “master rights” or “master owner” are also used. The recording is often owned by those who financed it, generally a record company, an artist or a band. If a recorded work is to be used in a synchronisation (video […]

Do I have to have an agreement with both TONO and Gramo?

All public use of music, whether recorded or performed live, requires an agreement with TONO. If you use recorded music, such as CDs, streaming, radio or TV broadcasts, you also need an agreement with Gramo. In other words, a concert in which all the music is performed live by musicians on stage only requires a […]

What is the difference between TONO and Gramo?

TONO and Gramo manage different music-related rights. TONO represents composers, lyricists, songwriters and music publishers, and manages the economic rights associated with their work. By work, we mean the actual song or piece of music, irrespective of how it is performed or played. Gramo, on the other hand, represents musicians, artists and record companies, and […]

What is TONO?

TONO is a cooperative society that manages the rights of composers, lyricists, songwriters and music publishers worldwide. We license the public use of music on behalf of rights holders, and remit the consideration paid by users, less certain deductions, to the music’s originators. The foundation for TONO’s activities is copyright, which protects everyone who creates […]

What is copyright?

Copyright protects everyone who creates works of music and other intellectual property, and is the foundation for TONO’s activities. In Norway, copyright is established in law via the Copyright Act. It is also protected by a number of international agreements, conventions and regulations. Copyright can be divided into two categories: Economic rights and moral rights. […]