Organisasjonene CISAC og GESAC, som TONO er medlem av, har kommet med støtteerklæringer til Ukraina.
/ 02/03/2022 / Kristian DugstadStøtten til Ukraina har strømmet til fra alle verdenshjørner siden den russiske invasjonen av landet forrige uke. Stater, organisasjoner, bedrifter og enkeltmennesker over hele verden stiller seg solidariserer seg med det ukrainske folk.
1. mars kom også internasjonale opphavsrettsorganisasjoner med sine støtteerklæringer.
TONO-selskapers internasjonale paraplyorganisasjon, CISAC, og den politiske lobbyorganisasjonen i Brussel, GESAC, publiserte tirsdag sine uttalelser til støtte for Ukraina.
Der skriver organisasjonene at de fordømmer Russlands invasjon av Ukraina, og det brutale angrepet på frihet og menneskerettigheter. De gir sin fulle støtte til det ukrainske folk og kolleger i kultursektoren som nå lider.
Støtteerklæringene er delt av en rekke nasjonale opphavsrettsorganisasjoner. Også TONO stiller seg bak innholdet.
Du kan lese støtteerklæringene fra CISAC og GESAC under. Du finner dem også på CISAC og GESACs egne sider.
GESAC stands in solidarity with the Ukrainian people, their creators and cultural sector.
At the frontiers of the European Union, a common area of freedom, democracy and peace, the Ukrainian population is being subjected to violent and deadly attacks, and Ukraine, an independent country internationally recognized as such, is being unjustifiably and massively invaded by the Russian army. The entire world is immensely shocked, particularly the European continent.
We, as a European organisation representing creators in all artistic fields, such as music, audiovisual, visual arts, literacy, etc. would like to express our full support and solidarity with the Ukrainian people, and with their artists, creators, and cultural sector.
Culture and artistic creation are as indispensable as the air that we breathe. They constitute the symbol of hope and human rights, access to beauty, an expression of our freedom — the very cement that fosters our sense of belonging to humanity.
War in Ukraine is bringing darkness, destruction, despair, devastation, misery, affliction, and tragedy. Our thoughts are with the Ukrainian population, who though victims are standing defiantly in this unthinkable and horrifying situation.
We are standing on your side in these dreadful moments and are ready to provide full support.
The CISAC global community laments the catastrophe now unfolding in Ukraine and condemns the brutal
assault by Russia on freedom and human rights. We stand alongside our colleagues and partners in
Ukraine who are suffering from the war instigated by the Russian Government. Their work is to
support creativity, art and culture – precious qualities that enrich our lives and communities, but
which are now under attack and facing terrible humanitarian consequences.
Our thoughts are with friends and creators who have been forced to flee their homes, hide in
shelters and take to the streets to fight to protect their country and freedoms.
As an international organisation with members across the world, we believe that peace must
prevail. We encourage in the strongest terms the path of dialogue and co-operation and insist on an
end to aggression and violence.